Monday, 29 June 2009

Once A Year

Yesterday was the anniversary of mine and my wifes wedding. It was fantastic and God allowed everything to run smoothly and perfectly. We both had so much fun and really enjoyed being with each other. We did 2 main things, firstly we went to see the new Transformers film, and secondly we went out for a meal. It was a really nice special time and God really made everything come together. I am glad that we got such a great time for our first anniversary, and I am glad I have my wife.

Thanks for reading, God Bless you all,

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Sunk In The Pool

Last sunday I was baptised through full immersion. I would have to admit that this experience has had an effect on my life. I also must admit that due to my baptism I am more sure that God, Jesus and unfortuneately the Devil all exist. It seems that I am being challenged constantly to live up to God's expectations and being tempted constantly by the Devil. I don't think however that the Devil realises that my statement of faith was complete and he has already lost. On the bright side me and my wife have finally got a car sorted, God was very helpful with that, and we have sorted out an apartment too. We looked for apartments twice and the first time we saw 2 we liked, however we prayed to God that he would open our eyes, help us decide, and if the apartments we found were wrong, that he would take them away from our opportunity. By the time we decided we needed to be moving, both apartments were gone. We found our actual apartment after looking at 3 different ones and it was the third.

Thanks for reading, God Bless you all,

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Driving Away The Memories

Yesterday I took my Theory Test. Somehow through strict determination and relying a lot on God I managed to pass it. A lot of people were praying for me, and though I started off the day feeling quite nervous by the time I got to the test centre I felt fine. To be honest the whole thing was a bit unreal as when I arrived an hour early the people there just said 'Ok, we will put you in with this lot.' So I didn't really even have time to get nervous again. The test was actually easy however I know I wouldn't have done as well as I did had I not learn't the book, and the hardest part was the hazard perception, which though I did quite well on I did not do as well as the actual multiple choice part. I felt all the way through God really blessed me and helped me do the best I could.

And now for a joke: A group of scientists call out to God and say 'God we don't need you anymore, we can even make our own man.' God looks impressed and replies 'Ok, go ahead and show me,' one of the scientists picks up a handfull of soil and God says 'No, you use your own materials.'

Thanks for reading, God Bless you all,

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Everyone Sins

To my fellow sinners, e.g. everyone else, I am writing this to say basically only one thing. Everyone sins, it is a fact so accept it, and also accept that God has forgiven you if you ask him to. Sin happens so all you can do is apologise. You can of course try to avoid sin, try to be a better person but when you fail and do something wrong, don't regret it and feel sorry for yourself, shout up to the Lord with praise and ask his forgiveness. Be strong if you sin and don't let the Devil get you down because that is how he gets in, he tempts you into something and then makes you feel bad about it, and then when you feel bad he attacks you with all his strength. Instead of feeling like a failure, fall back to God and feel like a success for relying on him in your time of need.

Thanks for reading, God Bless you all,

Saturday, 6 June 2009

The Road To Enlightenment

This is just a quick message concerning a new learning method given me by God. The idea behind it is to learn with a similar experience bar to a lot of RPG games. These pictures show the 'experience bar' for me trying to learn for my Theory Test. As you can see it says 'Lv: 10' at the top, this is a designation of how many chapters I have completed, so currently I have done 10. Also along the bar there are lines, these are a way of spliting each chapter, or whatever is being learnt, into easy chunks, in this case 1 line equals 10 questions.

Friday, 5 June 2009

Driving Rain

Firstly you will all be happy to discover me and my wife have finished our arguement, it was very much due to spiritual attack, my wife was having problems seeing the good in her life and she was doubting her faith a bit, however after praying and waiting the arguement was resolved and we were able to talk about things properly. Anyway today I had my 3rd driving lesson, I am finding it very challenging and unfortunately it was raining a bit today. However my teacher is a real encourager and shes really kind even when I make a mistake which is helping me to feel a lot more confident. I feel God is really helping me in this because he is helping me to keep the calm centred head I need to have to be able to drive, he is really holding me up even though I am nervous.

Thanks for reading, God Bless you all,

To Much To See

Well God is doing a lot in my and my wife's lives and to be quite honest it is quite hard and stressful to keep up. My wife now has a job but currently I am writing while we are in the middle of an arguement about where we are going to live because we don't actually know. Unfortunately I am on the side of just relaxing and trusting God, that he will provide, and my wife is just going a little crazy with unwanted anticipation of what is yet to come. I still have no job and this is being forcefully pointed out by my wife, but that is ok I know she still adores me anyway. I understand that the stress is getting to her, it is getting to me to but I am a little better at keeping up appearances and just ignoring this little niggling feeling inside. It is funny really, she has always been the worrier and I have always been the laid back one, I am not saying that either of these traits are a bad thing but perhaps maybe sometimes I am a bit overly laid back and she is a bit to worried about stuff. Well by God's will everything will get sorted in time, I will get a job, we will find a place to live, and we will manage to get moved out before we both start working.

Thanks for reading, God Bless you all,

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

A Choice Of Two Choices

Today I am writing from my brothers place. This week me and my wife have been looking at apartments to live in, we got it down to two choices before I had a meeting with the Youth Worker at my brothers local church. The meeting was a discussion into a possible internship that may or may not happen in the not so distance future. With this internship would come a house for us to have, but we don't know what is happening so we don't know what to decide. Basically all we can do is trust in God that we are making the correct choice and follow it through. Luckily we don't have to decide just yet as with the market like it is the two places we are choosing between have been around for about 2-6 months. We are currently waiting for my wife's new job to get back to her with a start date, at which point we will be able to make a decision as to which route we are going to pursue and indeed which place we are going to live in. At the moment all I can do is hope and pray that we are doing the correct thing and ask for God's complete guidance.

Thanks for reading, God Bless you all,