Monday, 15 November 2010


Hey everyone. I just realised I haven't blogged for a little while (I think maybe a week, but time has been passing quite fast recently). I am relatively the same as I was last time, however I have since taken my CV into various places to see if I can get a full time job, I am hoping to get a full time job soon so that I just have the experience under my belt when I finally decide what career (if there is a career out there for me) I want to follow. I have never been very good at deciding things to do with jobs and careers and things and all through school I envied those who knew what it was they were going to do and who chose the classes to go with that. I am still not really like that but I have an arrangement of ideas that move somewhere (not sure where but they seem a little bit linked) so I suppose that is one up on how I used to be, I recently undertook a series of seminars at church which enabled me to be able to realise that life choses can be a lot more easy to make than I previously thought, all I have to do is try stuff and when I find something I am settled with I can stick with that. I am looking into retail jobs at the moment though because I want to work in a shop, and I get the sense it would be the sort of environment I would be well suited to. Anyway I think with this renewed confidence I should find something quite soon, time will tell.

Thanks for reading,