Sunday, 22 February 2009

Christ's Day of Rest

So it is sunday and of course the christian day of rest. This is based on the fact that Jesus rose from the dead on a sunday rather than that it is the 7th day of the week. Saturday is actually the 7th day but a lot of people don't realise because the christian sabbath in a sunday.

Well anyway this morning I went to church and I realised how good it felt to be praising God. I felt truely happy. The sermon was about the feeding of the 5,000 and it really spoke to me about Jesus and the way he works. In the story he asks Philip where they will get the bread and Philip gives the answer of how to get the bread, I never realised that so often as christians we answer the wrong questions. Sometimes we need to look at our lives to realise waht God is really asking of us and the best way to follow HIS path.

Also on a side note it came out a revelation that by forcing my wife to move to England I actually did her a favour because since she has been here she has been able to grow in her faith to God, rather than when she was in her country she couldn't.

Thanks for reading,

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