Saturday, 31 July 2010

Hard Working

Hello all, it has been a little over a week since my last post but that is relatively beside the point because I am updating now. I have had a very hectic last week, of course we are now back from our holiday in the sun :) and everything has been a bit crazy. Our flight back was fairly pleasant for me, however my wife was suffering from a bit of a altitude headache for most of the flight. We didn't have long to settle back in though because the day after my wife had work and the day after that I had work, which was interesting. I spent the next 2 days litter picking around the local shopping centre, it is actually surprisingly hard work. By the end of both days my legs felt sort of like big chunks of pain eminating from the bottom of my torso. I never really apprieciated the effort that went into keeping our shopping centres clean until I tried that. I am going to be doing it again in a couple of weeks time, though that will be for less time so I will probably survive better. I am actually quite happy to announce I already have 5 jobs (including the cleaning one) lined up for the next 2 weeks, this is fairly unusual due to the fact that I am normally informed about a day in advance. I am glad I already know though because it allows me to plan my 2 weeks better, in otherwords I know when I need to make my videos and things for youtube, and when I will need to upload them. Apart from this craziness everything has been good in our household, we are happy and we are again planning what to do in the future. We're actually in the process of making a timeline to put key events on so that we know when we want certain things to happen. Finally God is good, he guides me always.

God guide you and protect you always,

1 comment:

  1. Niveus,

    I like to think of my self as a blog adviser, and I came across yours a few days ago, I've had a good read through, also I've noticed that you don't have any comments..

    I'm going to be blunt, your blog has potential, but as it stands it's boring. You are basically giving the outside world the shell of your life, the basics.. To capture real interest, you need to give detail, you need to give the reader a real picture of your life, you mention your wife alot, yet we've never once been told about her and what personality she has, or how she looks. You mention that you've had problems in the past, but you never go into detail, you talk about her country, but again you don't tell us about the memories in any great lenth.. You tell us nothing about your family.. You say you nearly lost everything, why? What happened? You never tell us why, what drove you apart? Again, more detail on your past is needed! As readers, we need to be able to build a picture in our minds. It's like building a house, you've gave us the bricks, but no cement.

    Not trying to offened you. Just help you creat a better blog.
    Feel free to comment back.
