Sunday, 15 March 2009

The Mysteries In Her Mind

Arguements, the fact is every couple has them, some survive them while others don't. I am writing this while my wife is furious with me for something I have already apologised for. I am writing this while she is doing her utmost to avoid me even though she loves me. To be quite honest I don't know why she is still angry with me, I have apologised I realised I told her to do something rather than ask her which obviously isn't good and I understand the reason she is hurting, but I think there is more to it than just upsetness I think she really wants to talk to someone but there doesn't seem to be anyone she wants to talk to. The fact is at the moment I feel this disagreement was neatly placed to stop us from going to church by the evil one, but what can we do, we have already missed half the service, so we can't actually go to the service. Well anyway I guess there has to be something inside her telling her that she can't forgive me because I am not sorry, possibly the same reason for the arguement in the first place. There are a couple of good things though, she just admitted to me she is talking to someone about the disagreement, someone who could really understand pain and suffering so that is good, and thank God for that.

Thanks for reading,

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