Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Farms Flourish Unless They Die

I believe a few months back I was talking to you about my love of gardening. Well since I have moved down here I have been unable to continue with that particular hobby, however I recently discovered a game on a well known networking site which allows me to make a farm, and make things grow and reap the profits. I must admit it is a great game especially as it is growing themed. Though I am quickly outdoing most of my 'neighbours' in the game I feel a great enjoyment from making something happen and from making things grow, even if they are just a group of pixels and well placed programming language. Talking about programming language, it is a language that only a few people in the world understand, it is complex and hard to distinguish different segments from each other if you aren't one of the people who can comprehend the ins and outs of it. Sometimes talking to God is a bit like programming language, we see all these people around us knowing what God wants them to do, getting on with their 'bit' and having great success in following the Lord, and then we look at our lives and we can't see the 'message inside the text', we can't see what God wants of us. We have pages and pages of information that we can't even start to comprehend and we end up feeling lost and lonely, all I can tell you in these situations is to rely on the thing that has brought you this far, Faith. Faith in the Lord is all you need to continue, because in the end it doesn't matter whether we know what he wants of us, he will lead us there no matter what.

Thanks for reading, God Bless,
NL signing off.

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