Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Killing Time

So as I am technically a house husband I actually have quite a lot of time on my hands, I pretty much split my time up like this: Looking for jobs, Blogging, Youtubing, Playing Sims 2 (or some other game), Tidying and Organising the apartment and studying psychology. So as you can see I do actually have quite a lot to do, unfortunately there are occasions when I have done all these things and I am still bored. In cases like that it is so tempting to hit ones head against a wall, in times like that everything I do just makes me more bored, even the stuff that is supposed to be quite entertaining feels like a chore. But at the end of the day when my wife gets home everything is OK again. I suppose I wouldn't actually get through the day without God's support, he keeps me up when I am feeling down and breaks the boredum surrounding me. For any of you who are interested I recently started posting on Youtube, I am in the process of creating a series discussing strengthening relationships, when this is finished I will probably move onto something not quite as challenging as a vlog or something, but for now I am happy with what I am doing. If you wish to check it out please feel free to search 'niveusleonusx' to find the videos.

Thanks for reading and God bless,

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