Tuesday 24 August 2010

Sports Fun

So the holiday club is going well and everything is brilliant, Monday we were inside for the sports but today we were outside and it seems I managed to get a bit sunburned... Not really that surprising. It occured to me before that even though I started keeping this blog ages and ages ago I actually have way less posts on it than I do on Youtube. I guess I have always been better at expressing myself visually rather than through typing and script this seems to be fairly good though because I make friends very easily and I am relaxed in most social situations. My life is good at the moment and while do the holiday club I really feel God has good intentions for my life, whereever or however they may be.

Thanks for reading, God Bless you and keep you all,

Sunday 22 August 2010

Hard Times, Easy Times

Hey all. So this week has been very hard for me it was the first time in a long time that I (possibly ever in my lifetime) worked almost a full week. In total I racked up about 30 and a half hours, which compared to my previous 12 - 24 hours is a bit more substantial and I will be paid a bit more substantially than before. I am happy with this fact, I am happy that I get to be paid really quite well, though saying that the previous week wasn't to bad either, my bank account doesn't look quite so ill as it was doing. I do quite like the fact that I get paid the week after I work as well, and for any people out there looking for a job I would really recommend doing some temping because it's just a brilliant way to go.

Next week I will be helping out with a children's holiday club for church, which is going to be fun. At one point in life I was sincerly considering the idea of working with children as a profession but the whole idea fell apart when I wasn't able to get enrolled on the course I wanted to study and I realised that I didn't really want to do something I would be more than happy to do for free. So I am really looking forward to tomorrow.

Anyway that is all I have for now. DFTBA, God Bless,

Sunday 15 August 2010

Almost 2 Weeks

I am sorry for not updating earlier... I have been so busy these last couple of weeks I haven't really had time, but I thought it was time, while I was not doing anything else, to say a couple of words so you know I am still alive. I have been busy working most of the time since I last posted, things that have changed are basically that I am very tired and that I keep putting this off far to much. I have a shift tomorrow that starts at about 6am so I have to be up around 5, luckily I should have enough time in the evening to do some house work, make my videos for the next couple of days and all round prepare for my family who are going to be staying for a week or so, depending on each individual preference. I seem to have been having problems developing/renewing some rifts between me and my family in the last week or 2 which may well add to the stress I have been under and the general lack of interest with writing here. Yesterday I went on a trip to London to meet a massive group of Nerdfighters and one of the leaders of the community, John Green, if you don't know what a Nerdfighter is, go here - www.youtube.com/vlogbrothers it will explain ALL. It was really nice to meet some of the people I have chatted to on the internet, as well as meeting many people I hadn't previously met but who had similar drive to change the world. I am very glad I had the opportunity to meet them and I am glad that I didn't get lost on the endless trains to the event. John Green, when I finally met him, turned out to be as nice, if not nicer, as he appears on the youtube channel so I was very happy to meet him, he did a very special piece for me which I shall be using on my channel on Tuesday. www.youtube.com/niveusleonusx

Thanks for reading, God Bless,

Tuesday 3 August 2010

I Am An Addict

I am an addict. Normally you would hear this sentence at Addict Discussion meetings. I don't want to have to be a person who goes to those meetings but I am content with the idea of spreading to the world that I am an addict, it is something I have problems with every day, I fight so hard and sometimes I lose and other times I don't. Some people think that addicts are weak, that they should be able to control themselves, but when you lose control completely it is so hard to regain it that so often it is easier just to not. When a person decides they can't handle not having control anymore it takes every ounce of strength to fight against their problem. I am an addict, I can't change this fact, I will always be an addict, what I can do is try to learn from it and avoid my addictions. I say addictions because there are a lot of them. Everybody is different right? I am the sort of person who gets addicted to things so easily it isn't even funny, I never started drinking, or smoking, or taking other types of drugs because I knew that if I had I wouldn't have been able to stop. Things are not as simple as stopping being addicted to something though, you can make the choice but still find yourself failing over and over and every time you fail it just makes you depressed and when you are depressed you just want to do your addiction because for a little moment it makes you feel better. I am an addict and this is my truth and now I will be fighting it with everything I have because I hate that I am an addict.

God guide you always,